Keeping up with the Taylor Tots

There is never a dull day around here!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Busy Bees

We've been busy folks since our last post. I went last Friday to pick up my parents at the airport in Columbia, unfortunately it was past Alice's bedtime and a 3 1/2 hour round trip drive- so they had to wait until the next day to catch up with little girl. Mom and Dad were over ASAP on Saturday!

Alice was supposed to have her "6 month" photos on Saturday...they have been cancelled and rescheduled for an assortment of reasons. The latest reason was a beautiful mark on her face that she got at playgroup. One of the kids had some neat laminated flash cards with photos of her family on them that Alice jammed in her mouth and cut her in the corners several different looked like she had whiskers drawn on her face (wish I had a photo of it now). So we waited it out 1 more day and did them on Sunday.

Alice has perfected her sitting balance and is now working on her next big skill...pulling up to stand! We caught her on the video monitor during a "nap" on her knees in her crib. Needless to say the mattress was lowered immediately! She has been having fun standing up holding on to the back of the couch and looking out of the window and of course...jumping! I caught these shots at our ottoman, which I love the fact that it is SOFT! Also...check out Grandma's face in the upper right-hand corner shot!


Henry Dawgs said...

Wow, Kristin!! I can't believe she's already pulling to stand! Go baby Alice!! Have fun, Mommy! :)

Lauren said...

So adorable! I love Grandma's face in the background! That's perfect! :) Alice looks so proud of herself (as she should). And, I love getting to "see" you too Kristin!